Monday, March 23, 2009

Curse of the Writer

Sometimes I curse the writer inside. Most times we get along fine, I sit down at the computer or with pen and paper and my hands can barely keep up with my mind. At times it comes so easy that I question if what I am putting down on paper is flowing along as nicely as it seems or if it will turn out to be nothing more than random thoughts when I take the time to read it. Other times, like now for instance, I have spent days trying to decide what to share on this blog and have spent the last 30 minutes staring at a blank text box unable to get inspired.
Yet, I am sure that at the most inappropriate time, like the middle of the night, inspiration will strike and the ideas will flow. Do I get up and write them down now or wait until morning. I do not know why I even go through this debate with myself any longer, it all depends on how important the idea is to me. If I wait until morning, past experience has proven that the chances are I will only remember that I had a really good idea, the idea itself will by then be gone.
It is with this thought in mind that I offer this piece of very simple advice to all writers:


Keep one by the bed, keep one in your purse, at your desk and in the car. Although I do not recommend recording your ideas at stop lights, I do recommend writing them down as soon as you can. You never know when the writer inside will decide to share an inspiring idea with you, and then turn around only to say, "Oops, sorry, you waited to long,"then the idea is gone as quickly as it came.
So although I welcome every idea offered up, it is times like this; 1:24am, in very little light, trying to stay between the lines with my thoughts and not disturb those that are sleeping around me. Thoughts that pour into my head and demand to be recorded, although I am already to tired. These are the times when I feel the curse of the writer.

1 comment:

  1. This is some good advice. Unfortunately, many of us find our inspiration coming in the middle of the night or at some other moment when we can't act on the thought. Keeping a pen and paper with you at all times is handy. I know many writers who recommend this as well. -Rita
